Keynote Speakers
Prof. Tatsunori MATSUMOTO

Prof. Tatsunori MATSUMOTO

Tatsunori MATSUMOTO was born in Japan on the 13th of November, 1955. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Science from Kanazawa University, Japan. He joined the Department of Civil Engineering of Kanazawa University in 1981 as a research associate. He got PhD from Kyoto University in 1989. He became an Associate Professor in 1991 and was promoted to Professor in August 1999. He became an Emeritus Professor at Kanazawa University on April 2021.

He retains an active involvement in research into pile dynamics including rapid load testing (RLT) and deformation of pile foundations including piled rafts subjected to load combinations. He has published more than 250 technical papers including more than 60 Journal papers.

He was the chairman of IS-Kanazawa 2012: The 9th International Conference on Testing and Design Methods for Deep Foundations held in Kanazawa, Japan, from 18 to 20 September 2012, and was the chairman of ICPE 2021: The 2nd International Conference on Press-in Engineering from 19 to 20 June 2021. He is now a Vice President of IPA (International Press-in Association).



Prof. Jose Campos e Matos graduated in civil engineering in 2002, obtained his Master in structures of civil engineering in 2008, and his PhD in civil engineering in 2013, in the field of probabilistic-based safety assessment of existing structures. Being developing his teaching activities, as well as the supervision of MSc and PhD thesis, since 2007, at School of Engineering of University of Minho, he is member of ISISE – Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering, since 2007. His research fields are asset management systems, life-cycle costs (LCC), safety assessment, risk evaluation and sustainability. He is author or co-author of more than 250 publications in international conferences and journals. Participates in several international committees, coordinating several international working groups, he is also coordinating the research project SustIMS – Sustainable Infrastructure Management System (Portugal 2020) and the project SAFEWAY – GIS_Based Infrastructure Management System for Optimized Response to Extreme Events on Terrestrial Transport Networks (Horizonte 2020), as well as the Action COST TU 1406 – Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec). Vice President of IABSE, Past-President of EuroStruct and Chair of fib Commission 8.
dr. ing. Prof. karel pavelka

dr. ing. Prof. karel pavelka

Born 1962, university education: 1982-8, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering (CTU FCE), specialisation Remote Sensing, 1987 – Ing. (MSc) in geodesy and cartography, Scientific and Pedagogical Degrees: 1997 – Dr. in geodesy, cartography and remote sensing, 2006 – Associated Professor, photogrammetry, 2009 – full Professor (Geodesy and Cartography)
He was employed as a specialist in the Czech Remote Sensing Centre (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, 1987-1989), after this he moved to the CTU FCE, where he is involved in remote sensing, photogrammetry, later on laser scanning and geophysical methods, especially for the documentation of cultural heritage.
His current position is as a lecturer of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing at the CTU FCE in Prague, head of the Dept. of Geomatics and vice-dean for International relations, CTU FCE.
In terms of membership of professional bodies, he is the fellow of the Czech Technical University of Prague, dept. of Geomatics, member of National Committee of the Czech Association for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (for Photogrammetry) and national delegate CIPA for Czech Republic, national delegate ICA for Czech Republic (WG Satellite Imagery), head of astronomical observatory FCE (cooperation with the astronomical-geodetic observatory Pecný and Klet, Czech Republic).
He has worked and led a number of projects (about 20 grants in remote sensing and photogrammetry like EU INEA, Horizons 2020, Czech National Grant Agency, CTU Grant Agency, Ministry of Education Grant Agency, Czech Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transportation), he has a long-term co-operation with State Institute of Care of Historic Monuments) as a support for restoration activities.
His international activities are focused on documentation projects in both conservation and landscape engineering. In particular, projects in Syria (1999-2000), Peru (2004-2016), Iraqi Kurdistan (2006-2022), Morocco (2022), Iceland (2011,2015 and 2019) and Greenland (2015, 2019) can be mentioned. He was the director of the 2011 CIPA International Conference in Prague (219 participants from 30 countries). He is the author of 160 papers, publications, and books in Czech and English, H-index 7.
dr. luuk dorren

dr. luuk dorren

Dr. Luuk Dorren is currently head of the research and consultancy division and Professor of Forest and Natural Hazards at the Bern University of Applied Sciences – School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL. Further, he is founding President of the International Association for Natural Hazard Risk Management (ecorisQ). He previously served as natural hazard risk related project leader for both the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN and the Swiss Federal roads office FEDRO and as senior researcher at CEMAGREF (France).

Since 25 years, Dr Dorren is actively engaged in applied natural hazard risk management through key research and implementation projects, and as author or co-author of more than 90 papers, books, guidelines, technical manuals and software. Through his work he made major improvements in the quantification, modelling and risk-based evaluation of the protective effect of nature-based measures against natural hazards.

Currently his focus is on the net-benefit of nature-based solu- tions for disaster risk reduction and on advancing innovative prac- tices in forest and natural hazard risk management. He has advised many of the major projects on the protection of critical infrastructure through nature-based solutions and advanced risk-based forest management practices in the European Alps.

Deeply involved in professional activities, he was President of the Norm and Research Commission on Natural hazards of the Swiss Association for Road and Transport Professionals from 2014 – 2019. By setting-up and providing leadership to the 250+ international member network EcorisQ for the promotion of nature-based solutions for natural hazard risk reduction, he created a global platform for the dissemination of scientifically state-of-the-art methods and software tools in the practice. By doing so, he aims to increase and guide investments in green solutions for disaster risk reduction and to push for widespread and sustainable implementation of those solutions.



Dora FOTI obtained her Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Science from Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy. She joined the Department of Civil Engineering and Environment of Polytechnic University of Bari in 1990 as a research associate. She got her PhD from Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain) in 1998. She became an Associate Professor in 2001 and was promoted to Professor in 2019.
She is now a Vice Director of the Department of Architecture, Construction and Design at the Polytechnic University of Bari.
She has her expertise on seismic behavior of structures, the study of dissipation and isolation systems for steel and reinforced concrete structures, vulnerability and damage assessment in historical buildings, dynamic identification of buildings and infrastructures, study of the effects of dynamic actions on bridges, and innovative materials for constructions.
She has participated in numerous invited seminars both in Italy and abroad and has held lectures and seminars in numerous professional training courses both at Italian and foreign universities and research institutes. She is the author of over 250 scientific publications in the field of Structures.
She was Visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in Barcelona, at the Pontifical University of Chile.
She has participated in several national and international scientific projects, both as coordinator and member of a research team. She is an experienced project auditor on behalf of national and international institutions.
She is Associate Editor of many international journals. Also, she is part of the Editorial Board of several international magazines as well as being a member of the Scientific Committee of several International conferences.


Dr. Fabio Masi is founding partner, R&D&I Manager and Technical Director of the Italian engineering and consultancy company IRIDRA Srl, since 1998, and Vice-President of the Global Wetland Technology association since 2012. His background is a PhD in Environmental Sciences and an MSc in Chemistry (1991). He’s IWA Fellow since 2020.

He’s been Chair of the International Water Association Specialist Group on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control since 2012 to 2016, Chair of the IWA Task Group on Nature Based Solutions for Water and Sanitation since 2017 to 2021 and organizer and chair of the IWA 12th SG Wetlands conference in Venice (October 2010). He’s served as Associate Editor for the IWA journal Water Science & Technology since 2010 to 2020 and is Editor for Water MDPI since 2012, for Circular Economy and Sustainability Springer since 2020 and Associate Editor in Frontiers in Environmental Science – Water and Wastewater Management since 2022.

He is the project co-author for over 550 Designs of Constructed Wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse. Regular lecturer and speaker in numerous university masters in Italy, France, China, India and Spain, public and NGO organized conferences, courses and seminars in sustainable sanitation, environmental chemistry, water and air pollution, nature based solutions, green infrastructures, wastewater treatment and reuse, EIA. Author of more than 100 scientific (about 60 peer reviewed) or informative papers and books. He has been consulting for Sustainable Water Management projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (also for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank). He’s been involved in EC funded projects in the MEDA, ENI CBCMED, FP5,  FP7, Horizon2020, Horizon Europe, Interreg and Life+ programs and has been evaluator of Life+ proposals for Agreco and MWH Global and directly for the EC under the Horizon 2020 program.”



Josip Atalić is the Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics of Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb and head of the new branch office Croatian Centre for Earthquake Engineering. His areas of research are earthquake engineering, historical structures, numerical modelling, seismic risk etc. He is a leader of the team of experts for National Risk Assessment in Republic of Croatia – Seismic Risk, risk management capability assessment and national strategy. Josip is a member of several thematic Working Groups for National Development Strategy by 2030. He is a part of Croatian Civil Protection MUSAR team and a participant in a series of exercises.

After the earthquakes in Croatia in 2020, Josip led the organization of damage assessments (with over 1700 experts) and preliminary reconstruction cost assessment for Government (April 2020) including cooperation with World bank (RDNA reports). He is member of several national Reconstruction Expert Council Working Groups. After Zagreb earthquake (March 2020) he made more than 100 lectures and invited lectures; organized 10 international seminars “Reconstruction of Zagreb after the earthquake”; he was Chairman of the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1CroCEE (2021 22 Mar – 24 March); Josip was one of the authors of two books/guidelines made after Zagreb earthquake focused on  reconstruction process: ’’Urgent program of reconstruction process’’ and ’’Earthquake Engineering: Reconstruction of masonry buildings’’. Currently he is the main designer in the reconstruction process of the Zagreb Cathedral and the Croatian National Theatre.

He is head and one of the founders of civil association Croatian Centre for Earthquake Engineering – intervention forces. Josip is in the presidency of the Society of Civil Engineers Zagreb. After earthquakes in 2020, Josip got several national and international rewards for his activities.

Prof. paolo bazzurro

Prof. paolo bazzurro

Paolo Bazzurro is professor of Earthquake Engineering and Risk Assessment at University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) in Pavia.  He earned his M.S., Engineer Degree, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Stanford University where he has been part-time Consulting Assistant Professor from 2001 to 2005.

Before joining IUSS, he gained more than 25 years of professional experience in Europe and United States dealing with risk assessment of monetary losses caused by natural events for corporate clients, insurance companies, reinsurance companies and brokers, sovereign and local governments and other public institutions. In this period he led projects dealing with the assessment of hazard and risk caused by earthquakes, hurricanes, flood and tsunami to a variety of onshore and off shore structures located in five continents. In this period, he worked for 11 years as a Principal Engineer and Director of Risk Engineering and Analysis at AIR Worldwide where he led the risk assessment work and contributed to the design of the final risk mitigation strategies in ground-breaking projects such as CatMex and MultiCat, which supported the issuance of insured-linked securities and more traditional insurance coverage for the Government of Mexico.

He also carried out the risk assessment work for the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative in the Pacific Region for the World Bank, which brought to fruition the first insurance facility in that region of the world. Over the years he has also led many research and application-oriented projects for prestigious organizations such as the United States Geological Survey, the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center, and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), for which he led the two damage reconnaissance missions after the 2002 Molise and 2009 L’Aquila Earthquakes. From 2009 to 2015 he was the Deputy Chair of the Scientific Board of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) and members of several others international scientific and editorial boards. From 2013 to 2018 he has been a member of the Seismic section of the Great Risks Committee appointed by the Italian Prime Minister office.  In the 2017-2020 period, Bazzurro was one of the four members of the Working Group for the Review of the Italian Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps”, which was appointed by the Italian Government to provide guidance to the Italian Department of Civil Protection.

Since 2015 Bazzurro has been the Team Leader of the Risk management Specialist team hired by the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), which using the models developed by the team has provides more than 1bl USD coverage to more than 50ml people in the Caribbean and Central America via parametric insurance products related to earthquakes, tropical cyclones and excess rainfall events. Finally, he authored about 200 refereed publications in different engineering areas.

Prof. agathe robisson

Prof. agathe robisson

Professor Robisson heads the Building Materials Research Unit in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of TU Wien (Technische Universität Wien)

Before this, she spent 17 years at Schlumberger, including 14 years at the Doll Research Center, in Boston USA, where she managed the Materials Research Group. She received her PhD from Ecole des Mines Paris in France.

She teaches the fundamentals of material sciences to undergraduate civil engineers. Her research interests range from the behavior of complex fluids and suspensions, with a focus on cementitious slurries, the mechanics of soft materials such as elastomers, to the behavior of hardened concrete.